Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Bush gets new Houseboy

Along with a personal chef and a personal housekeeper a new houseboy, name of Taylor, has been added to the Bush entourage; his prime task is to keep the flag looking neat and tidy until it's put away for good.

I expect Taylor to pursue the same policy of opportunistic reformism the FCO has applied to shake free of Cayman
since the late 80's, which is, Do not to put any barriers in the way of independence and do not miss any opportunity to nudge it along.

Caymanians can be contrary, the quickest way to get them to do something is to tell them not to do it.  If they sense that the UK wants Cayman to go independent they'll vote against  it. Paint on the smile and fawn if you have to Mr Taylor, but please get off your knees. Friendly is one thing cowed is another and Bush will ride you like a mule if you let him.

Anyway, there won't be any strong play for independence until Dart has been milked dry and the moment is ripe to take over his land (as well as all that 7 mile beach Crown land). Dart may have deep pockets but Bush intends,
eventually, to have everyone who matters in his.

I'd say Mr Dart needs to drop in on Mr Taylor and have a chat about their respective futures when the Boss ain't around, which is often these days.

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