Monday, 12 October 2009

Licensed Robbery

What has been revealed thus far in the AG's report on the SPIT team, the way they played the system because no independent control was exercised over them, does not make comfortable reading. What a desertion is revealed from the principles and standards of the UK, which the Governor is supposed to represent and uphold in the Cayman Islands.

The SPIT boys were laughing so loud on the way to the bank it could have triggered a minor seismic alert but still Jack couldn't hear it and all Cayman has to show for this farrago of an investigation  is a series of continuing aftershocks.

If the name was Misick and not Jack somebody from London would be flying out now to see what Jack had been getting up to.

Let's hope "for Jack's sake" that all the expenses he signed off  for SPIT were legitimate in case his actions become the subject of a special investigation of their own.